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How We Started

The Trip That Turned Into A Ministry

On November 8, 2013 the super typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines causing a storm surge of over 4 meters killing over 7,300 people in Tacloban City, Leyte. The devastation was great and many were displaced with no food to eat or water to drink. Several months after the typhoon, the Lyle family together with their friends went to Tacloban for a mission trip. They fed the children, spent time with them singing, dancing and sharing the story of Jesus. The call to start the charity organization was birthed out of their compassion for the many children that needed food to eat. In 2015 Revealed Love Ministries officially became a non-profit 501(c)3 charity organization. 

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The Founders
Jeff and Aubrey Lyle


Audrey and Christian (son-in-law), Renee and Jarod (son-in-law),

Alana and Robyn



Lincoln, Waverly, Scarlett and Maia

Jeff and Aubrey founded the ministry in 2015 with the commitment to serve the broken, hurting and the poor. Jeff and Aubrey are full-time missionaries in the Philippines living in Leyte . They mentor and disciple the younger generation through the discipleship program and weekly small group. They lead outreach and evangelism work in slum areas and places of calamity stricken areas.

“Just as the Father sent me, so I am sending you.” - John 20:21

Meet The Team

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